Saturday, May 30, 2009

Our Blog is Born!

Finally! It has been a long time coming and I finally did it. The main reason I hadn't started a blog yet was because of the time I thought it would take to get it started and keep it going. And I was right about the time it takes to get it started- wow! After numerous phone calls to my sister I think I finally have this blog thing down, well maybe. As far as keeping it going, time will tell. I am going to do my best to keep it going so that we can look back one day and have these special moments in our lives documented. I want to remember the everyday moments, the funny things Maddy says, and that Brody will say. So here it is- this is a blog about us and our exciting, busy, fun life that includes, Mike, myself, our spunky two year old, Maddy, our mellow 5 month old, Brody, and our four year old Golden Retriever, Dakota. Hope you enjoy following the Shwam Fam!


The Bricks said...

Hallelujah! I have been waiting and waiting for this blog to be born. It's so cute! We can't wait to see the everyday things that you guys do.

Anonymous said...

FOUND YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HA! Your header is the fabric for the baby's bedding. LOVE IT! NOw I get to blog stalk you :)