Friday, October 8, 2010

My big boy

Dear Brody,
Look at you! You have grown up before my eyes. You are almost 22 months old! In the past week I have realized you are not my baby anymore. Some of the things you are doing this month:
1. Everytime I say "No, no" if you are doing something you aren't supposed to, you reply with "Yes, yes."
2. You love Dora lately and point to the T.V. saying "Boot".
3. You really love your new backpack.
4. I have realized you are a picky eater like your sister. You used to eat anything. Now, you choose when you want to eat.
5. Your last two eye teeth are coming in and they aren't making you happy.
6. You love to play in the street with Mad's pink car. You get my keys and put them in the ignition, like you are going to drive away.
7. At night, you insist that I put your airplane blaket on top of you. If I don't, you call me back in to do it.
8. When we ask your name, you say Bro Bro. You really think it is your name!
9. You LOVE Gymboree class. It is our special time on Fridays when sissy is in school and you run around with Mr. Ryan doing all the activities. You check on me by yelling "Hi Mama".
10. Your hugs and kisses melt my heart

Love you to the moon Bro Bro!

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