Saturday, July 11, 2009

Potty Princess

She did it...

...she doesn't wear diapers anymore and she will tell you that. I knew that this summer I wanted to potty train Maddy at some point. I didn't think it would be already, but I thought we might as well do it now. So Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, we pretty much stayed home. We read potty books, did puzzles, played games, fed Brody, made a potty chart. took rides in the laundry basket...pretty much anything to keep a two year old entertained while staying near home. We did go to the park and outside to play, but we didn't go anywhere that would make us be gone longer than 20 minutes. That is because I set the kitchen timer and every 20 minutes we went to sit on the potty. Trust me..sometimes there were tears, and "I don't want to", but by Thursday she had only had two accidents all week. And here we are on Saturday with no accidents..going on day 5 with no diapers- only Princess panties!! So proud of you Maddy!!!

Yes, she even brushed her teeth on the potty.

Taking rides in the laundry basket.

Her potty chart and special puppet she made as a reward.

I don't know what her silly face is.

She loves to feed her brother.

She is my POTTY PRINCESS!!!!!

1 comment:

Ashley Patricio said...

That is awesome! What an accomplishment. You are inspiring me to stay home to get Taylor going with this potty training business. FYI...Your kids are adorable!