Friday, October 28, 2011

Orange, Pumpkin Day

I love helping in Maddy's class and today was Orange, Pumpkin Day. We all wore orange and carved a pumpkin. They estimated how many candy corns were in a jar and decided what shapes to use for their jack-o-lantern. We had orange snacks and played together on the playground. Maddy and I hoola hooped together for awhile. It was a great day with my girl! Thanks to my sis for watching the Brodster. xo

Before school. Maddy and Grey were ready for school. Bro was silly guy.

Estimating candy corns

Watching the pumpkin get carved

Maddy and her good friend, Julia

Me and my girl

Megan, Mia, Ava and Mad

My hoola hooping girl

This was too funny. The girls were all doing a cheer. It went like this. "1, 2, 3 Girls!" They did it over and over again. Too cute! 

The 5 little pumpkins poem

Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Freer's class

The helper mommies for the day.

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