Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Magic Eraser = Magic

Last weekend Grey stayed with us for the night. He came Sat. morning until Sunday. While Maddy and Grey were waiting for Mike to get home, they went to hide. They wanted to scare him when he got home. I told them that he was close (he was about 5 minutes away). I realize that 5 minutes feels like a lifetime to two year olds, but they were doing a great job staying quiet. I went to check on them a few times and they were sitting so quiet next to Brody's crib just waiting for Daddy (Uncle Mike) to get home. After a couple of minutes I had this weird feeling that something must be going on because it was much too quiet. OF COURSE something was going on- they were decorating the wall. Good thing that Magic Eraser works so well. You would never know that crayon had even been there!

1 comment:

jbel said...

I remember when Heidi and Benji did that with purple marker on Auntie Laurie's white couch.
There was no magic eraser back then. I don't think it would have worked on the white couch anyway.
Naughty cousins strike again!!!