Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Perfect Tree

We got our Christmas tree on Sunday- after the downpour of rain on Saturday. I think everyone else was getting their tree that day too. Maddy was so cute and wanted to help pick the tree out. She is really into Christmas this year and it is so exciting. When we got home we decorated it and Maddy wanted to put up every "ormanent" herself. She couldn't wait to help us put the lights on and all. Now every night she wants the lights on before it is even dark. This is a magical time of year- and even more so when you see it from a children's view. We are loving our tree!!

Picking out just the right tree

Brody was more in to his Ritz crackers than choosing a tree.

"I like this one Mommy." That is what she kept saying.
Waiting so patiently with Daddy.

Us and our tree

Hanging a special ornament.

All tangled in the lights!

This is what Brody would rather be doing :)

I love this picture! She was such a big helper!

1 comment:

The Bricks said...

That picture of her and Mike looking underneath the tree is ADORABLE! I have always loved Christmas time but with kids it's that much better. Yes, we need to get together, Ash needs to see her girlfriend and I need to see mine!